Funding Priorities
In conjunction with the Blandford Fair Board of Directors, the BFPA has set as its first funding priority a new roof for the Agricultural Hall. The building was built in 1869 and is historically important to the Fair and the Town of Blandford. While there has been some significant work done on the building (partially replacing the sills, painting the outside, and restoring some of the tin work inside), as well as new, historically accurate, replacement windows being installed during the summer of 2023), all of this will be threatened if a new roof isn't put in place. As one observer noted, looking up at the roof from the attic is like viewing a midnight sky full of stars due to the number of pinholes in the standing seam, metal roof. The goal for the BFPA is to fund a replacement standing seam metal roof that will last for another 100+ years.
To donate to this worthy cause
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The Blandford Fair also has many ongoing projects (painting, maintenance, repairs, updating) to prepare for the upcoming fair and the preservation association has operational costs related to fundraising (such as postage and the preparation of materials for distribution), although no officer or board member of the foundation receives any payment for their efforts on behalf of the foundation. You can donate to the general fund at